Sunny Day…

No, I am not singing the theme song of Sesame St. I am cheering that the sun is finally out and the rain of yesterday is drying up. I need to wrap up a few things here in Herreid then head to the Conference Track meet in Linton. It looks like we have a beautiful day. I can’t wait to try out my new shoes.

New shoes, ya, I could be a live ad for why it is important to buy good shoes. They have cleared up my sore feet and knees and back. Wow!

New shoes, ya, I could be a live ad for why it is important to buy good shoes. They have cleared up my sore feet and knees and back. Wow!

I also spent part of this morning doing some cleaning. Jessica and Tony are supposed to be coming tonight unless they decide to go and visit his mother first. Whichever they choose will be fine. I just hope that I get it all finished with the meet and all.

Tigee stretching after she was caught sleeping on the bed I need to make up for Jess and Tony tonight.

Tigee stretching after she was caught sleeping on the bed I need to make up for Jess and Tony tonight.

I still need to get the Sunday message from my head to the computer and printed out so that I have something to work from as I go off track on Sunday morning because I can feel that happening pretty badly already. Though, it would be best if I didn’t because I suspect we will have visitors and I am not really so good with that part yet. Oh well, it should be fine, especially if I can get the plants repotted on Saturday and brought along on Sunday. Hopefully I can find enough to get at least one to everyone there.

No water setting on the concrete today.

No water setting on the concrete today.

The willow tree is budding. You can note the sunshine by seeing the intensity of the shadows.

The willow tree is budding. You can note the sunshine by seeing the intensity of the shadows.

One-eyed neighbor cat sneaking a drink from the little pond.

One-eyed neighbor cat sneaking a drink from the little pond.

So just a few more pictures to leave with you before I close. As if there is not enough in a life, we have a shower for the nephew’s bride to be tomorrow. Oh well perhaps when we add another to the family, we can start conscripting her too. Ha! I know how that works with children, sort of the old lead a horse to water, but you can’t make they drink sort of thing. Oh and if any of the family members get any funny idea about facebooking these remarks, well, just know the will can be altered.

The squirrel Sophia saw from her window this morning. Check yesterday's post to see her sleeping by the window.

The squirrel Sophia saw from her window this morning. Check yesterday’s post to see her sleeping by the window.

I finally took the covers off the seedlings, now hope Roger doesn't decide to have a salad.

I finally took the covers off the seedlings, now hope Roger doesn’t decide to have a salad.

The sight from the porch looking south. The neighbor girls sure like their swing set.

The sight from the porch looking south. The neighbor girls sure like their swing set.

The strawberries are coming back. We planted five tires full the year of the Olympics, now we are down to two tires still growing. The other two are full of weeds.

The strawberries are coming back. We planted five tires full the year of the Olympics, now we are down to two tires still growing. The other two are full of weeds.

As the cartoons used to say, “That’s all folks!”


2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. christinelaennec
    May 10, 2014 @ 02:40:11

    A busy household you have! I’m glad you have the sun back, and new running shoes. Thanks for reminding me about the Sesame Street song, I’d forgotten about it!



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