Home again, home again

“To market, to market to buy a fat pig. Home again, home again jiggity jig.” It felt good to wake in my own room this morning, but it was not without its problems. My legs hurt like crazy thanks to my wonderfully cuddly cat who insists on sleeping against my right leg. She is also so heavy that I have a tough time moving her in the middle of the night. I finally shifted and then she proceeded to plop right up by my left arm. It is really a no win with her. Both Roger and Sophia were pretty happy to have me home and they stayed with me throughout the night. James said the week I was gone, he barely saw them.

Owl bird feeder

Flocked evergreen

Ice crystals on the chokecherry trees

This morning when I finally was awake enough to look out the window, it must have been around 8:30 a.m., I saw the fog rolling in and the trees were starting to look like they had been flocked before being set out. I quickly dressed and grabbed the camera. This first picture is from the upper deck facing to the east. For the others, I actually went outside and walked in the snow and found objects that were hit with the fog. It was interesting because when I took the first picture the fog seemed to be in the distance out of town or across the creek. By the time I made it downstairs and pulled on a coat to go outside, the trees had been hit and the frost on the clothes line reminded me it is time to remove the clothespins for another season.

The day turned out to be a sunny bright day, and while I am not out and about, I am in middle of trying to sort out the events of the week to pull together a message for church tomorrow as we light the candle of Peace. I will try to post that message so you can see how I have found the events of the past week to sort of throw a little irony into that whole idea of a Peace candle. Perhaps we should all stand shoulder to shoulder with lit candles protesting for the world to be at peace.

Enough for now, hope you have had a restful day!!

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Kathy
    Dec 19, 2017 @ 09:08:12

    I love that home again, home again feeling as much as the delight of traveling. Those ice crystals are always so pretty when they decorate the trees. And removing clothespins sounds like a ritual to say “it’s winter now”…



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