Flower garden update

Today Paulina and I are heading to Bismarck to get the aunt. We will do a bit of shopping, and thanks to tech savvy  Melissa, we can follow the progress of the plane on the iPhone so we will know about delays or such. The house door is open and mail is in the house, now to finish this post and get in the car.


White geraniums are finding homes.

White geraniums are finding homes.

Swans sitting at the edge of the pond James finally filled it last night.

Swans sitting at the edge of the pond James finally filled it last night.

Sophia was not having anything to do with the camera today. She is inside now and quite upset that the weather is rather wet and dreary. It is, though, the perfect day for a nap and that is what she does best in the day light hours.

Terra cotta planters have been expanding. The rectangle and round ones are filled with herbs. We shall see how that works.

Terra cotta planters have been expanding. The rectangle and round ones are filled with herbs. We shall see how that works.

Sophia, again walking away from the camera.

Sophia, this time walking toward the camera.

Strawberries up close. They are blooming.

Strawberries up close. They are blooming.

Northeast corner garden still has not had any attention. You can see how windy it is.

Northeast corner garden still has not had any attention. You can see how windy it is.

The garden is still only growing tin cans. No plants up yet.

The garden is still only growing tin cans. No plants up yet.

I took these with the iPad again and love how that works, but it is so hard to edit with that thing. I also cannot seem to get the pictures to post the way I want. I guess it will just continue to take time learning this stuff. Now we are off on our trip. I will have to post the other pictures tomorrow.

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