Blog left in my head

Friday, Sept. 13 was a bit breezy.

Friday, Sept. 13 was a bit breezy.

It seems that I have not posted any thing for two days. I guess it is because of all the posts I started in my head and left them there in some secret convolution in my brain and I can’t seem to find my way back to them in the maze that must be up there. Of course it could just be a void set that acts like an acid vat, and all of my ideas just melted away never to return again. UGGGGHHHHH!!!!

At any rate, I did survive yesterday, which was Friday the 13th. Great story about the first time I tuned into a Friday the 13th, I was in the 8th grade and made the cheerleading squad. It was a major deal for me because the team was picked by the student body not a panel of “experts.” I usually had my way with the teachers because I listened, I tried and I didn’t have a mother who marched in and complained for me. Anyway, the truth of the matter, the two girls who would have beaten me out in the student vote category were in band (I was too.), but they played clarinet and coronet. Both those instruments had sectional practice on Monday nights, the same nights the junior high boys had basketball games. They had to choose band or cheering. I on the other hand was no quite good enough to be in the “big” band yet, so sectionals on any night were not an issue. One vote for being less than a super star. As life went, it was my one big year of cheerleading. I never made the squad again, and finally talked myself out of trying out. In high school, I was in track, the only sport offered until my senior year, and on the drill/pom-pom team. So that was my side track for the day.

Some of the tomatoes to go. There is another counter full in the laundry room and more in the vine. Happy news is that six plants have been pulled because they are empty.

Some of the tomatoes to go. There is another counter full in the laundry room and more on the vine. Happy news is that six plants have been pulled because they are empty.

I had a couple of real things to bring up, they include tomatoes, tomatoes and more tomatoes added to a few beets and such. Pictures above and below tell more of the story. On Thursday the 12th, I made some bread and my bread machine over heated. I took the dough out and baked it in the oven as I always do anyway, but I am afraid that I might be learning to do bread from scratch, and the counter will get an extra free space.

Beets I pulled, opps, I need to do them up too.

Beets I pulled, opps, I need to do them up too.

I spent Friday morning at the Farmers’ Market. It was a slow day. I only sold 6 tomatoes, 5 cucumbers and 2 peppers. James took cucumbers to school for give away, that has helped ease the load. I still want to do up a batch of relish, but thought we were out of jars. I need to turn the plums into jelly and the tomatoes, oh the tomatoes….The good news is that James went back to the basement and brought up the rest of the jars. I think that I will be able to do a few more batches. I also cleared out the baking cupboard and removed all the jars I had holding things like chocolate chips and cocoa and salt and such. I will switch those out so only my blue jars or jars with weird covers will be on those jobs. Real jars will be at work doing real canning jobs.

Yeah, we have more jars!

Yeah, we have more jars!

I will leave now as it is time to get ready for the funeral of my great aunt Emma. Later this afternoon we will be going to Aberdeen to attend the 40th wedding anniversary (vow renewal ceremony) of James’ sister, Louise. She is just two years older than he is. It will be good to see all of the family again. Perhaps I can take the camera and share the day with you later. For now, I leave you with Proverbs 13:12 “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” NRSV

I had the stereo outside to listen to tunes while I was picking.

I had the stereo outside to listen to tunes while I was picking.

Plums waiting to be made into jelly. As you can see, I am out of containers to hold things.

Plums waiting to be made into jelly. As you can see, I am out of containers to hold things.

The peppers are producing well, but look a bit stressed here.

The peppers are producing well, but look a bit stressed here.

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Kathy
    Sep 16, 2013 @ 17:50:10

    Funerals, wedding vow renewals, cheerleading memories and lots of cool-looking plums. You lead a full life, Lucinda!



  2. The Belmont Rooster
    Sep 14, 2013 @ 21:41:02

    A woman’s work is never done!



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