Thankful #21: shopping success

Today James and I went to Bismarck after school. We needed some items around the house plus we wanted to get a start on some Christmas shopping. There are about 30 some days left to shop, so this is quite eRly for us. Mostly we picked up toys, for the very young ones on our lists. It was fun! It was also great for me because we bought a new small kettle for boiling noodles and maybe eggs. It is so cool because it has a lid and edges that will allow for draining the liquid without a strainer. I also chose a set of four puzzles of 1000 pieces. It will be wrapped for me to have a gift that someone will be surprised they bought it for me. Ha! Paulina got a chair for her dorm with the same stipulation.
Another thing that was great was that we took an old love seat stored in the basement to Paulina’s dorm room. We also took a set of sink and stove and left it in her room for Jessica to pick up on Sunday. Well that is all for tonight. Sorry no pictures today.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Tilly Frueh
    Nov 22, 2014 @ 05:49:41

    I love getting an early start on Christmas shopping. I will pick things up all through the year, beginning at the after Christmas sales in January, but there is nothing like shopping in November and December with all the holiday hustle and bustle. So far I’ve only done my online shopping this November, but Monday Grace and I are heading out and of course Black Friday we’ll have to definitely get our feet drenched.



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