More storm pictures

I don’t mean to inundate the blog today, but I want to get these photos posted. I didn’t realize that the Russian Olive trees were so badly affected by the wind. Even though it was only one tree that lost a branch, this was a significant loss to the set. I have three Russian Olive trees all in a row. To me it is a parallel to the three daughters that I have. I think of them as the three sisters or my three daughter trees, depends on the day. Well here is what happened to the strongest of them last night.

Branch down on Russian Olive.

Branch down on Russian Olive.

My big concern is the way it splintered the branch as it broke. There is nothing clean about this break, and that could hurt the tree down the road.

The following pictures are more of the debris from the Willow Tree. In the picture of the tree on the last post, you can see how the side closer to the house is sort of see through now. As I looked at it from the house window, I could see exactly where the branches pulled off. Again there are strips of bark missing and it looks like significant damage to the main branches which will harm the whole tree in the long run. I just want to go out with a bunch of long white bandages and wrap the tree up. Maybe when it stops raining, I can do some trimming to ease the damage.


A view of the damage from under the tree.

A view of the damage from under the tree.

Notice the lilies and the rhubarb in this shot.

Notice the lilies and the rhubarb in this shot.

Those of you who follow my blog have seen this stump with the moss roses and the mushrooms before. Today I noticed that the rain and strong winds have even caused trouble for this poor stump. The bark is starting to split because of the moisture or the wind or whatever. I will be sad if this falls apart. It has been an enjoyable addition to the yard, both for me and the neighbor, who said it reminds him of his mother because she always grew moss roses. Hope you are all staying safe and warm in this day of storms in the Dakotas. By the by, Sophia is on the mend, she even went out for a bit today. The weather is bad enough that even she is enjoying the couch.

Tree stump

Tree stump



6 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. lucindalines
    Oct 06, 2013 @ 19:00:20

    Thanks so much for sharing that Kathy. Wow, so much in common for just two girls who like Laura Ingalls Wilder and her stories.



  2. Kathy
    Oct 06, 2013 @ 12:25:08

    Sorry to hear about the branch down on one of the Three Daughters. That is sad. We were actually talking about some trees by our driveway that Barry calls the Three Sisters. Coincidence… Hope you dry up soon.



  3. Jess
    Oct 05, 2013 @ 19:28:45

    Ugggg. Hang in there.



  4. Glenda
    Oct 05, 2013 @ 16:19:13

    I feel just awful for your trees! Your mother always said that without wind, we will not have rain. I know the rain is a much needed thing in this part of the country, but why such relentless wind?! I want to help you bandage them.



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