Snowing again


This morning when we left Herreid, it was snowing again. I am not against snow at this time of year. It wasn’t blowing and the roads were not icy, so things were fine. I don’t like the weather that warms up so much that everything melts into a puddle then it freezes at night, and we go sliding all over in the morning. I also don’t want it to get warm and stay that way for a week so the young trees and hedges and flower bulbs think it is spring and time to wake up. I am extra worried this year since we have those young pear trees that I am hoping will survive at least one winter. We shall see. Anyway, on my way out of Linton, I keep passing this house that should be the subject of a cross stitch or at the least on a painting. I grabbed a pictured today to see if I ever take the time to do something with it. The top picture is the saw that one of James’ family members gave us one Christmas. Around March it gets blamed for the continual snow, and then banned from the light of day in hopes that the snow will stop for another season. I will allow it to stay up for a few more weeks (since the ground-hog apparently predicted more winter). For now, I will just say, stay warm.

House that should be a cross stitch pattern.

House that should be a cross stitch pattern.

Another shot.

Another shot.

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Glenda Zimmerman
    Feb 03, 2015 @ 19:03:10

    That house would make a pretty neat puzzle, too! I love houses with a porch!



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