Misty Morning Musings

Mist on the flowers. Hollyhocks in the background with zinnias in full bloom in front and cosmos about to bloom soon. The lacy cosmos seem to fit right in with the mist.

Mist on the flowers. Hollyhocks in the background with zinnias in full bloom in front and cosmos about to bloom soon. The lacy cosmos seem to fit right in with the mist.

Mist is hanging heavily in the air this morning making the whole area quiet and subdued. It is both pretty and spooky.

My house in the mist.

My house in the mist.

MyMom's house shrouded in mist.

Our Mom’s house shrouded in mist.

Mists around the garden.

Mists around the garden.

Roger was a bit out of sorts first running from place to place chasing bugs or rodents she saw in her mind then cowering when I came around the corner because she didn’t recognize me. Sophia won’t get off the porch swing. I think she is too cold to realize that coming in the house would be more comfortable.

Roger was spooked by the mist.

Roger was spooked by the mist.

I just can’t believe the quiet that this mist is bringing. It is nearly 9 a.m. and the traffic is still, at least on this street, and we normally have several of the off-road type vehicles rodding by here by now. Those vehicles “drive” me crazy. They are not licensed for street use, but we allow all of them in our town mainly because of the dealership that thrives here. I cringe most when youngsters are behind the wheel, and they have friends hanging out the sides like a car on a the game of Life. But, this is not what I had in mind when I sat to write today. Funny how the fingers and keys just take over sometimes.

I want to leave you with more than just the misty photos, I have a few thoughts that came from my reading this morning as well as pondering, oh heck worries about family members as of late. This is a prayer mainly in reaction to reading Matthew 23, which is a chapter about Jesus speaking of the Sadducees and the Pharisees and their hypocrisy.

Dear Lord:
I pray today for those inside my bubble. This would be my family, friends, acquaintances and blog friends, who are hurting or struggling because of evil that others are creating in their lives. I pray that we are able through prayer and quiet times like today, that we are able to do what Jesus would do or would want us to do. It would be so easy to wish evil on the person causing the evil in our lives. It feels so good to see the bad things that happen to those who cause us heartache. Yet I pray that we focus on asking God for the strength to overcome the evil. Jesus says that if we have but the smallest seed of faith, he will give us the strength to move mountains. He doesn’t say this once, he says this repeatedly to his disciples, and he becomes so disgusted that they don’t believe. We need to believe that God is there to help, and God will help if we just ask. But as I have learned over the years, be careful what you ask for. I pray that God would give us the strength to find the way that is the path he has for us. I pray that he guides us past the evil that is lurking in the mists waiting to take us down. I pray that he give us the wisdom to see the path, the strength to follow it, and the humility not to gloat when the evil one knows that they have been duped. My aunt recently hit me with a saying something like this: “The strongest steel goes through the hottest fire.” I don’t pray that your fire be that hot, but I pray that God be with you through the fire just as he was with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. May God be with you through the mists and through the fire and through the good days. God’s Blessings on all of you. Amen!

7 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. The Belmont Rooster
    Aug 16, 2013 @ 21:01:51

    I may have to find a new pickled beet recipe if dad can’t find his.



  2. The Belmont Rooster
    Aug 15, 2013 @ 17:39:24

    Great post! Nice home!! Amen! Thanks so much!



  3. The Earth Mama
    Aug 15, 2013 @ 11:43:53

    Beautiful prayer. Thank you!



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